The Grand Duchesses of Russia painting Easter eggs

Happy Easter everyone (those who celebrate)
Those who are of different religions enjoy the photo below of ~
The Grand Duchesses Tatiana,Olga,Maria and Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia painting Easter eggs in the Mauve Boudoir at the Alexander Palace,Tsarskoe Selo.
Hard-boiled eggs are traditionally painted red using onion skins; they symbolize resurrection and new life. Exchanging eggs is one of the most popular Easter customs. Another less common practice is to keep the eggs until the following Easter, which supposedly helps protect the house from floods, fires and other natural disasters.
In the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, Easter eggs are dyed red to represent the blood of Christ, with further symbolism being found in the hard shell of the egg symbolizing the sealed Tomb of Christ — the cracking of which symbolized his resurrection from the dead. The tradition of red Easter eggs was used by the Russian Orthodox Church.The tradition to dying the Easter eggs in an Onion tone exists in the cultures of Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Russia, Czechia, Romania, and Israel.The colour is made by boiling onion peel in water.

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